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O'Malley's Barbell Club, Göteborg

We will make you stronger

Learn how to squat, bench press, deadlift and overhead press with barbells; so you can get, and keep getting, stronger.



Because strength is the foundation of everything we do that's physical.

So if you are stronger, you can do more.



A lot more.


Learn How To Lift With Barbells - Get Stronger - Do More

 Hi, I'm Sam O'Malley and welcome to O'Malley's Barbell Club, Göteborg.


Having worked as a personal trainer in my home country, England, since 2011; and as a personlig tränare i Göteborg since 2016, and having competed as semi-decent 100 metre sprinter before that - I have seen time and time again what the barbell - a simple piece of steel that dates back to a time before gyms were even invented - can do for your strength, for your health, and for the enjoyment you can get from training. 

And I want to show you how to use it. 

Anchor 1
Styrketräning i Göteborg

"Träningen har gjort mig stark rent fysiskt men också till viss del mentalt. Insikten att det går att lära sig något nytt och bli hyfsat bra även i min ålder har gett mig mod även i andra sammanhang. 


Det finns också en tjusning i att vara ägare av ett tyngdlyftarbälte och att en av mina tonårssöner när han snabbt skulle associera till någon stark svarade: mamma!"


Being stronger means you are able to lift more weight now, than you could before

And that's exactly what we like to train for

Styrketräning i Göteborg
Styrketräning i Göteborg
Styrketräning i Göteborg
Styrketräning i Göteborg


Progress So Far

Squat: 20kg to 70kg

Overhead Press: 10kg to 32.5kg

Deadlift: 30kg to 95kg

Bench Press: 15kg to 42.5kg



Progress So Far

Squat: 40kg to 120kg

Overhead Press: 20kg to 72.5kg

Deadlift: 50kg to 150kg

Bench Press: 30kg to 110kg



Progress So Far

Squat: 15kg to 65kg

Overhead Press: 7.5kg to 30kg

Deadlift: 30kg to 100kg

Bench Press:  15kg to 40kg



Progress So Far

Squat: 50kg to 125kg

Overhead Press: 30kg to 60kg

Deadlift: 60kg to 150kg

Bench Press:  60kg to 87.5kg


Anchor 2

Let's Start Getting Stronger 


Step 1: Learn To Lift

12, one-to-one personal training sessions where you will learn how to squat, bench press,  deadlift and overhead press with a barbell. We find a 'lagom' amount of weight for you to start at, and gradually build-up from there. 


Step 2: Follow Our Program On Your Own

After your 12 personal training sessions, you will know how to lift with barbells, you will be stronger, and ready to start following our strength training program on your own at your home/local gym. Your training program will be emailed to you each week, and updated each week based on your progress and feedback. 

Step 3: Monthly PT Sessions


To make sure that you keep getting stronger, we also have 1, one-to-one personal training session per month. This is a great way to see, and measure, the progress you are making on our program - as well as gradually adding variations of the barbell lifts into your training, as you keep getting stronger. 

When it comes to being stronger, barbells simply work better

And we like things that works better

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Where We Train

We train in a shared, private personal training studio  - fully equipped with everything we need to get, and keep getting, stronger.

United Training

Oskarsgatan 6A



*Approx 300m from Masthuggstorget tram stop. 

Let's Start Getting Stronger 

12, one-to one personal training sessions

(3 personal training sessions per week for 4 weeks, or 2 personal training sessions per week for 6 weeks)



Weekly programs & 1 personal training session each month

*no contracts or hidden fees, can cancel at anytime

Anchor 4


To get started, fill out the form below and we'll get back to you to arrange a day/time to meet at our Personal Training studio in Masthugget for a free trial PT session. 


O'Malley's Barbell Club

Styrketräning i Göteborg

Oskarsgatan, 6A





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